Bulletin editors, you get a second chance to fill in the "Bulletin Editors' Survey." Only a handful responded to the survey in the Oct.-Dec. PROBEmoter.

That leads me to several conclusions:

  1. You don't care.
  2. You got busy with holiday activities and forgot to fill it in.
  3. You didn't read your PROBEmoter.
  4. You didn't think your opinion mattered.
  5. You have to be "begged." If so, consider yourself begged.

Your PROBE officers and editor are anxious, ready, willing and able to help you improve as an editor. Believe it or not, this also requires some effort on your part. That effort is known as involvement.

Involvement includes attending Bulletin Editors' Classes at your district Chapter Operations Training Seminar. However, not all districts have COTS BE classes. One of our goals is to get the Society involved in this aspect. However, the PROBE officers and I can't do it alone. We need you to be part of the voice. You, the "consumers," have a very loud voice when joined as a unit. PROBE is the unit collector.

A quartet is louder than a soloist is. A chorus is louder than a quartet.

Join the PROBEmoter "chorus" and lend your voice to the future of bulletin editing by filling in the survey form on the inside back page! [webmaster note: or on the last link of this online edition]


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