Bulletin Editors' Survey

BULLETIN EDITORS SURVEY RESPONDERS In the last issue of PROBEmoter the Bulletin Editors Survey was posted, but left out one piece of information that is included with the survey in this issue. That information is an e-mail address. If you mailed the survey from the last issue, please e-mail your address to me. Be sure to show your name so I'll be able to match it with your form. (A few of you included your e-mail addresses on business cards. You won't have to contact me, unless you want to be certain I have it.) My e-mail is: Bltnedjp@aol.com If you have not completed the form, please do so now. Your input will help shape our future. -Ed

Please take the time to fill out this survey and mail it to Editor John Petterson, address on [the masthead of this online issue].

If you like to keep your PROBEmoter intact, photocopy this page. Your response is important to the future of Bulletin Editors' Classes at COTS.

[Webmaster note: For best results in viewing/printing this page, change your browser to a fixed width font such as Courier.]

Name_____________________________________________ Member No. ________________


City ______________________________________ State/Province ___________________

ZIP/Postal Code________ Chapter, not chorus, Name ____________________________

District _________ Years as BE _______ Have you attended a COTS BE Class?

___ Yes ___ No If yes, how many times? _____

If no, why not?_______________________________________________________________


If you have attended, what benefited you most?________________________________


Benefited you the least? _____________________________________________________


What subjects would you like to have included? _______________________________


If COTS BE Classes were offered, would you attend? ___Yes ___ No

In either case, why? _________________________________________________________


Is there anything you would like to ask PROBE officers to help promote COTS BE
Classes? _____________________________________________________________________


In a different vein, what items of interest would you like to see in PROBEmoter that would benefit you as an editor?



Other comments (use additional paper if needed): _____________________________



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