My favorite stories

written by Grady Kerr

I killed a guy once
The Elmer Rice Story

As an editor you try very hard to get all your facts straight and are always criticized for any oversights or misspellings. You seldom get credit for all the facts you get RIGHT and the words you spelled correctly.

As the SWD Roundup editor I would receive many chapter bulletins and it was there I learned the sad news that Elmer Rice had passed away. The article spoke of how much he had done to help the chapter and how much they missed their buddy. I, of course, included the news in the next issue of the Roundup.

At the time I was working a graveyard shift (pardon the pun) and was sleeping days. A few days after publication I was awakened by the phone, and half asleep, I answered it. The conversation went something like this:


“Hello Grady?”

“Yes, this is Grady.”

“Hi, this is Elmer Rice.”

It was at this time I think I woke up. I wondered if this could be true because, according to the Roundup, Elmer Rice was DEAD! Being the ever inquisitive reporter, I had only one question . . .

“Hey Elmer?”


“Where are you calling from?”

We discussed the events that led to my error and discovered that he had merely changed chapters and, as much as I wished that the wording of the article I read was misleading, I had misinterpreted the information. In re-reading it, the facts were clear. To this day I still don’t know how I was able to read MORE into the story than was intended.

To this day Elmer continues to come up to me at conventions to proudly proclaim “I’m still alive!”

Even though this does show that the pen is mightier than the sword it proves that it must be wielded with caution.


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