From the editor’s cauldron

By John Petterson

Electronic-only bulletins: Give me one good reason to have them

The time has arrived for me to start stirring the kettle over the electronic-only chapter bulletin discussion. An increasing number of editors are going online and others have asked for how-to instructions on posting their chapter bulletins.

For a number of reasons, I am totally opposed to electronic-only bulletins. However, for quick communications among chapter boards and member information, one cannot beat the convenience of an e-mail post. The trap that ensues is using e-mail or electronic bulletin posting to convey all chapter news and information.

The main argument I’ve heard for e-bulletins is the cost savings. I disagree with that premise. Yes, there is the short-term savings of not having to pay for printing and postage.

Let’s look at the long-term effect, which I believe is the crux of the matter.

  1. Without hard copy (paper), you have no chapter history.
  2. Internal and external public relations are important. Public relations are difficult to maintain without a printed bulletin.
  3. Internal public relations is the information given to chapter members, their wives, guests and prospective members.
  4. External public relations is the information you include in your bulletin for schools, colleges, TV and radio stations, newspapers, convention bureaus, art councils and others who may be interested in what your chapter is doing. (Are they on your mailing list?)
  5. More often than not, the chapter member who gets an e-bulletin is not going to print it off to read later, nor have his wife read the news that’s important for her to know.
  6. Your guests and new members will be impressed to see their photos (if you use photos in your bulletin) and names in lights in a printed bulletin.
  7. You can take a printed bulletin with you anywhere at anytime and read it at your convenience. Why tie yourself to a computer, and then hit the delete button when you think you’re through reading it?
  8. Would you like to receive your district bulletin, The Harmonizer, PROBEmoter and your newspaper electronically?
I could list more reasons, but if you haven’t gotten the picture by now, chances are you won’t.

The sacker at the grocery store asks, "Paper or plastic?"

For a quality chapter bulletin, don’t ask, "Paper or electronic?"

Just do it - paper.


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