Year end thoughts
What, another donation?

By Robb Ollett, Society Marketing/ PR chair

This time of year we're bombarded with requests for contributions - university, church, hospital, high school football team, fire and police retirement funds, kids clubs. The methods are familiar - telephone calls, magazine subscriptions, pizzas, candy, cheese, raffles, car washes, coupon books, pancake breakfast, dinner dances, golf tournaments, to name a few. Even at the chapter meeting - buying tickets, Heartspring, SingAmerica and SingCanada, school music scholarships, Keep America Singing Fund, dues.... where does it end?

I'm a fund raising consultant and I'm telling you - it doesn't end. The reason so many charities are soliciting is because the NEEDS are bigger than the FUNDING. Nobody said you had to contribute, but you want to feel good and participate. It makes you a better neighbor.

But let's focus on how your chapter can allocate money and benefit from community awareness:

  • Local high school music scholarship or choral music
  • Company holiday party as their sponsored group
  • National anthem singing at football games
  • Work a concession stand at basketball or football games
  • Local PBS station has membership drives, offer a pledge incentive
  • Symphony joint concert for holidays (Christmas or next July 4th)
  • Informal restaurant setting as evening talent, or strolling quartet
  • See if Convention and Visitors Bureau needs talent
  • Service group breakfast or luncheon program (Lions, Kiwanis, etc.)

Take a moment and turn these into opportunities for more joint performances. Here's what will happen - you'll sing more, you'll perform better, you'll be in the community more, you'll expand local contacts, you'll attract more men, you'll become comfortable in front of various audiences, you'll be more visible. And think of the fun in singing!

OOPS, sorry. I forgot. Rather than take the initiative, it's easier to sit back and complain about how much you're hit for donations, right? Hmmmmmm, something to think about.

C'mon, let's B#.


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