Bulletin Editors' Survey

Please take the time to fill out this survey and mail it to Editor John Petterson, address on [the masthead of this online issue].

If you like to keep your PROBEmoter intact, photocopy this page. Your response is important to the future of Bulletin Editors' Classes at COTS.

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Name_____________________________________________ Member No. ________________


City ______________________________________ State/Province ___________________

ZIP/Postal Code________ Chapter, not chorus, Name ____________________________

District _________ Years as BE _______ Have you attended a COTS BE Class?

___ Yes ___ No If yes, how many times? _____

If no, why not?_______________________________________________________________


If you have attended, what benefited you most?________________________________


Benefited you the least? _____________________________________________________


What subjects would you like to have included? _______________________________


If COTS BE Classes were offered, would you attend? ___Yes ___ No

In either case, why? _________________________________________________________


Is there anything you would like to ask PROBE officers to help promote COTS BE
Classes? _____________________________________________________________________


In a different vein, what items of interest would you like to see in PROBEmoter that would benefit you as an editor?



Other comments (use additional paper if needed): _____________________________



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