Job Description

Chapter Marketing and Public Relations Officer

Creation Authority: Standard Chapter Bylaws
Elected: Chapter Election if over 25 members in Chapter - Under 25 members appointed by President
Term: 2 Year Commitment at a minimum (renewable)

Definition of Job: Marketing is developing, delivering and packaging a message or product for sale.

Public Relations encompasses a variety of marketing activities that strengthen your credibility, enhance your image, and develop good will. These are usually targeted at an audience. Public Relations involves communicating who you are, what you do, why you do it, and how you make a difference.

Commitment: The commitment of a Chapter Marketing and Public Relations Officer should realistically be for two years because of the ramp-up time needed to ensure the strategies and or tasks for the chapter's approach to marketing and public relations programs would be successful only with long-term stability.

The Vice President should be cognizant of the fact that media relations are being developed and cultivated which would diminish with a perception of revolving door staffing on the chapter's part. Succession planning (training your replacement) is essential in carrying out the commitments made from one year to the next and seeing programs to fruition.

Desired Background Capability:

Minimum Requirements:

Mandatory Reports
TypeToCopy ToDue
Budget Chapter Treasurer Chapter President          November - Two months before taking office
Work plan/status Chapter President Chapter Board Monthly
Budget Updates Chapter President Chapter Board Monthly
Work Plan Chapter President Chapter Board January - first Chapter Board Meeting
Team Relationships
Membership Promotion VP Chapter Development Chapter President Monthly
Interchapter Activities Promotion VP Program Chapter President Monthly