Sentence construction faults


A sentence fragment is a group of words that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence because either the subject, the verb, or both are missing. This word group often can be joined to the preceding or to the subsequent sentence to eliminate the fragment.

FragmentThe audience got very quiet. When Chiefs of Staff started to sing.
Solution The audience got very quiet when Chiefs of Staff started to sing.

FragmentOur chapter decided to sit out the fall contest. Which upset a few members.
SolutionOur chapter decided to sit out the fall contest, which upset a few members.

FragmentCarlson preferring to wait until everyone quieted down before he continued.
SolutionCarlson preferred to wait until everyone quieted down before he continued.

Editors may use a fragment for stylistic or emphatic effect, but the practice should be kept to a minimum. The technique loses its effectiveness when overused.

The district is considering a rebate on dues because of the recent membership increase. What a deal!
Our chorus is competing against choruses four times our size, and our director thinks we can win. No way.


Joining two complete sentences without appropriate punctuation or with no punctuation at all is called a "run together" or "run-on" sentence.

Run-onBoggs stated his view about the new uniforms he regretted it immediately.
Solutions Boggs stated his view about the new uniforms. He regretted it immediately.
Boggs stated his view about the new uniforms; he regretted it immediately.
Boggs stated his view about the new uniforms, but he regretted it immediately.

This problem in sentence construction is sometimes called a comma splice if only a comma is used to join the sentence without the appropriate connecting word.


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