Abbreviations and acronyms used in barbershopping

Society organizations and titles should be spelled out the first time they are used. Thereafter, the abbreviation or acronym may be used. However, the Associated Press Style Guide states the following: "Do not follow the full name with an abbreviation in parentheses or set off by dashes. If the abbreviation or acronym would not be clear on second reference without this arrangement, do not use it. Names not commonly known by the public should not be reduced to acronyms to save a few words."

The Irish Association of Barbershop Singers was organized in 1988. Since then, IABS has held a convention each year.

AAMBS Australian Association of Men Barbershop Singers
A & R Analysis and Recommendation session; the post-competition evaluation given to quartets and choruses by certified judges
ACDA American Choral Directors Association
ad lib freely; at the performer's or speaker's will
AFA Auditions for Admission
AH=SOW Ancient and Harmonious Society of Woodshedders (with an equal sign)
AIC Association of International Champions (quartets)
AICJC Assistant International Contest and Judging Chairman
AISQC Association of International Seniors Quartet Champions
ASCAP American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers
BABS British Assocition of Barbershop Singers
BE Bulletin Editor
BHS Barbershop Harmony Society
BMI Broadcast Music, Inc.
BETY Bulletin Editor of the Year
BOTM Barbershopper of the Month
BOTQ . . . the Quarter,
BOTY . . . the Year
C&J Contest and Judging
CAPAC Canadian Association of Publishers, Arrangers, and Composers
CAR Cardinal District
CIS Category Information Sheet; used in the judging program
COJ Chairman of Judges
COTS Chapter Operations Training Seminar
CS Category Specialist; the person assigned to supervise and to administrate a C & J category
CSD Central States District
DABS Dutch Association of Barbershop Singers
Decrepets Wives of past International Board members
Decrepits The Association of Discarded Past Members of the Society Board of Directors Without Voice and Without Portfolio, Not. Inc. (official organization of past International Board members)
DIX Dixie District
DMVP District Music Vice President
DO District Officer
DP District President
DYNAMO Develop Your Numbers and Musical Organization; the name of a program promoting a music team concept through implementation of the Music Leadership Manual; a person who is certified as eligible to conduct DYNAMO programs is a DYNAMO coordinator. Since the word "coordinator" is part of a title, similar to chapter president, it is not capitalized unless used in front of a person's name, as DYNAMO Coordinator Joe Fortacram.
EVG Evergreen District
FWD Far Western District
G&S Grammar and Style; bulletin judging category
HEP Harmony Education Program
HSC Harmony Services Corporation
HOD House of Delegates
HX Harmony Explosion
IABS Irish Association of Barbershop Singers
IBM International Board Member
ICJC International Contest and Judging Committee
ICS International Category School; a training program to prepare judges for certification and recertification
ILL Illinois District
JAD Johnny Appleseed District
L&R Layout and Reproduction; bulletin judging category;
Laws and Regulations
LOL Land o'Lakes District
M-AD Mid-Atlantic District
MD Musical Director
MENC Music Educators National Conference
MuVP Music Vice President
MVP Membership Vice President
NED Northeastern District
NZABS New Zealand Association of Barbershop Singers
ONT Ontario District
PIO Pioneer District
PR Public Relations
PRO Public Relations Officer
PROBE Public Relations Officers and Bulletin Editors
PRVP Public Relations Vice President
PVP Program Vice President
RMD Rocky Mountain District
A Society service project designed to promote development of music programs in communities and schools. SingAmerica/SingCanada is written as if it were one word with no spaces.
SLD Seneca Land District
SPEBSQSA          Article I, Section 1.01 of Society Bylaws, dated Sept. 21, 1987 - Society acronym is abbreviated without the use of periods. (Article depreciated with the introduction of the operating name of the Barbershop Harmony Society in 2005)
SOCAN Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada
SPATS Southern Part of Africa Tonsorial Songsters
SUN Sunshine District
SWD Southwestern District
WHC World Harmony Council
YIH Youth in Harmony
YO Youth Outreach


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