PROBE Barbershop

Other Sources

Attempting to duplicate all useful information on these pages would obviously be a daunting (not to mention unnecessary) task. These links are to places that may have particular pieces of information that bulletin editors or PR people will want or need. Remember, you will be leaving our site to visit these pages, so use your browser's "Back" button to return here.

The Harmonet Reporter Pages

Tune in here to get the latest contest results, coverage of favorite events, and more.

Sweet Adelines Score Archive

Marti Lovejoy has been collecting and posting SAI contest scores to the Harmonet since 1995 (or thereabouts). She is working on developing this site as an archive, similar to Steve Tremper's Harmonet Reporter pages.

Harmony Incorporated Scores

The folks maintaining the HI site have added a link for scores of their contests.

Harmonet Central

Mailing Lists and More

It's hard to imagine an online barbershopper who is not aware of the Harmonet, but just in case, here's a quick rundown of a few of the resources available through Yahoo Groups. While these are "listservs" or "mailing lists", what many people don't realize is that all messages are also archived by date and topic, so you can browse through the postings without being distracted by numerous messages each day. There are generally three options for listservs (all available at the links below).
  1. "Real time" email to receive messages throughout the day.
  2. A "digest" version, where you receive one (large) message each day containing all of the individual messages for the previous 24 hours.
  3. A "nomail" option, where you don't receive ANYTHING from the list, but can browse through all messages by topic for something that may interest you.

[Note: Information on how to subscribe and how to change options is included on each of the pages for mailing lists.]

The Harmonet. With nearly 3,000 members, this is the largest and most general barbershop mailing list.

Harmonet Lite. This is a moderated (some people read "censored") version of the Harmonet. Most of the content comes from the Harmonet, but most of the digressions and posts that don't really add to discussion or understanding of barbershop are filtered out. In a typical month, it will contain only 25 to 30 percent of the number of posts on the full Harmonet.

PROBEmail. This is the newest addition to the list. Just for you - PROBE members or those interested in what's going on the PROBE world. (Note: This is an email link to moderator Dick Girvin. Just let him know you'd like to subscribe.)

And don't forget about your own district websites, Barbershop Harmony Society, Sweet Adelines International, and Harmony Inc. headquarters sites, our list of online bulletins, and other sources.

If you can steer us to additional sites of particular interest to bulletin editors or PR people, please let us know by emailing us.