author: Mark Axelrod, editor of "Blue Chip Chatter," Teaneck, NJ.


1- The very first meeting of what would become our society occurred where and when?

2- The first two songs sung at that meeting were?

3- How many men attended that first meeting?

4- When did the second meeting take place? For extra credit, what was the highlight of that meeting?

5- Where and when was the third meeting? For extra credit, how many barbershoppers attended that meeting?


1- In Tulsa, OK, on the Roof Garden of the Tulsa Club, on April 11, 1938.

2- "Down Mobile," and "I Had A Dream."

3- Twenty six

4- The second meeting occurred on May 2, 1938. The highlight was the reunion of a WWI era quartet (unnamed by my source) which was evidently quite good. This helped to keep the momentum going for a third meeting.

5- The third meeting took place on May 31, 1938 at the Alvin Hotel in Tulsa. There were 150 men in attendance. In fifty days (in Tulsa, a small city) we went from 26 guys to 150! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had that kind of a growth curve these days!

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